Dan Gittins

Academic Profile

I studied for an integrated Master’s in Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford between 2015-2019. In my final year I studied the waveguide effect using hydrated faults within the upper crust of the subducting plate beneath Costa Rica/Nicaragua.

I undertook an internship with the International Seismological Centre (ISC) where I spent time picking depth phases for the 2007 Mexico Earthquake and its aftershock sequence.

Current Research

Studying the physical processes that cause surface creep along large strike-slip faults in the United States and Turkey. To do this I am using data from multiple sources including creepmeters, strain meters and time-lapse cameras. By combining these data sources I hope to determine how much of the fault is moving in creep events (bursts of slip) and the physical processes controlling surface creep.



Publications to follow

Contact information

Department of Earth Sciences

orchid ID: 0000-0003-3687-6883

Twitter Account: @Tees_Seis