In term 3 you will host a series of Grand Challenges seminars, for which you will have been preparing since term 1. You will also submit your project proposals and transfer out into your departments where you will take over responsibility for your further training by selecting courses which apply directly to your own research needs. Your RTSG (Research and Training Support Grant) will provide funding to enable you to access training from a wide variety of sources outside the University and in this way you can help create your own tailored training programme.
Advanced Courses Term 2 onwards
Atmospheric Physics
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Ocean Circulation
GIS Techniques
Smart Modelling Strategies
Mixed Effects Models in R
In addition to Advanced courses offered by the DTP, you can also participate in courses offered by other departments, societies and partners and these will also count towards your minimum training requirement of 6 advanced courses during your D.Phil project.