Noa Zilberman

Research Interests

Almost everything that we do today is computing driven, with most of the data processing done in the cloud. This is a double-edged sword, as while we need computers to solve the world's environmental challenges, these computers also take a heavy toll on the environment, with data centres consuming over 200TWh/year.

Our research group, the Computing Infrastructure group, explores a range of research questions related to the sustainability, resilience and scalability of computing infrastructure, as well as ways in which computing can be used to increase the sustainability and resilience of other infrastructure.
Examples of previous research projects include metrics for carbon-aware networks, simulating the vulnerabilities of UK's e-Infrastructure to severe weather events, and reducing the carbon emissions of digital research infrastructure (DRI).

The details of any DPhil project would be defined in discussion with the student, and may potentially explore new approaches to net-zero computing and networking, or the resilience of e-infrastructure to the effects of global warming. Projects range in scope and skills, from simulation-based projects, through implementations-led projects (hardware and/or software), to policy-focused projects.

Qualifications and Experience

BSc, MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering, Senior Member of ACM and IEEE, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer

Personal Research Keywords

Sustainable Computing, Resilient Infrastructure, Carbon-Aware Networks