Stopping climate change will involve deep and widespread cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. It will also involve taking greenhouse gases back out of the atmosphere. My research is in three areas: the policies and governance structures that can help (or hinder) both these outcomes, the fundamental climate processes involved in climate stabilisation and potential reversal, and the climate effects of different greenhouse gases.
I lead two research initiatives, both of which involve multidisciplinary collaborations with fellow researchers in Oxford and beyond: Oxford Net Zero (, and CO2RE ( One of the exciting tools we have developed is the Net Zero Tracker (, the most comprehensive and open-source dataset of net zero pledges from companies, regions, cities and companies. We are also building a growing group of researchers on the science, economics and governance of carbon removal technologies.
We are looking for students with an interest in these areas. Projects may involve application of technical skills (e.g. data science, coding, climate physics, economics, systems engineering) to current and interesting policy problems, so co-supervision with a relevant technical specialist is encouraged.
Qualifications and Experience
PhD, FRMetS. Currently supervising one DPhil student